Here you'll find a few announcements. Be sure to scroll down to see all of our announcements in the Worship Folder. There is a complete  printable version for your convenience!
Our youth represent the present AND the future of our church! Join us TODAY in the Ark Activity Center for a meal recognizing seniors at Noon. "Why Jesus Changes Everything" Everybody dies. Jesus died… And he came back, rising alive from a borrowed grave. When we commit to following Jesus, our old life dies. Our new life as a Christ-follower has begun. That changes everything! If the old us is gone, then a new life has begun, with a whole new meaning and identity. Today we’ll paint a picture of our new life in JESUS. Join us in II Corinthians 5:11-21.
We look forward to seeing you again for Simply Supper and JCC Night on Wednesday, September 4th. Mark your calendars!
Remember that the JCC Food Pantry is open every Thursday from 5-6:30 pm to serve the people of Jefferson Township.
JCC’s Helping Hands Ministry works year-round to help our neighbors during times when they need assistance paying bills. If God has touched your heart with a desire to help others, just include a note marked “Helping Hands” with your offering and indicate the amount you’d like to give to the fund. This is an ongoing ministry, and your support is appreciated any time of year. Thank you for blessing others!
Office hours: Monday - Thursday 9am - 3pm, Friday 9am - 12pm

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